Monday, December 30, 2019

Looking Back On The Community Service - 969 Words

Introduction to the Reflection Looking back on the community service events I went to, as a student of social work I benefited. When asked to do it I was nervous, because I didn’t know if I would have time. Doing 40 hours this semester I thought would be challenging. Also having it determine if I pass or fail the class was scary. When told to do the community service I wondered what I can do. I didn’t have a car, so going to places would be hard. Finally midway through September I started to do it, and didn’t procrastinate. I realized I am a part of an organization who go out and do community service. Just so happen I am also the community service representative. My job is to come up with events, so I had resources at my disposal. Organizations and Agencies of Community Service In September I did a few community service, and or took part in where it lead up the following months. One of my organizations Diversity for Society had a fashion show they hold every year. I asked to be a part of it, because they do great things for our campus. The fashion show has women, and men of all shapes and sizes. Showing everyone it doesn’t matter what size you are. We are all beautiful doesn’t matter what you weigh. What my job was to help set up, and make sure the clothes were ready to be worn. My other organization I am community service rep we had a guess how many contest. We were raising money for our local fire department. They are volunteer so every equipment is paid out of pocket.Show MoreRelatedRecruiting The Right Personnel For The Community Service Industry825 Words   |  4 Pagesgrowing trend that has impacted the community service industry. The time that people have devoted to giving back and doing service for the community not only benefits not only themselves, but also those of the less fortunate. Volunteers are looking for opportunities to show their dedication but want their actions to be acknowledged and appreciated. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

The American Dream In The Great Gatsby Analysis - 903 Words

The American Dream: A Fruitless Endeavour The 1920’s, famously known as the Jazz Age, was a major turning point in America’s soaring economy. However, as a result, amassing wealth in exorbitant amounts and throwing extravagant parties became socially acceptable and the conservatism and the old-fashioned values of the 19th century were left behind. The roaring twenties also coincided with the prohibition period which saw bootleggers make millions off the sale of contraband and brought life to underground revelry. Contrary to his predecessors, Scott F Fitzgerald, the author of The Great Gatsby (1926), saw this period as a manifestation of materialism within American values, tainting them in his eyes. In the novel, Fitzgerald positions†¦show more content†¦This represents the pinnacle point in the novel, where Gatsby ties all his ambitions for wealth and class, his pursuit of the American Dream, to Daisy Buchanan. However, Daisy, a married mother, crumbles under the weight of the ideals and dreams Gatsby has instilled in her and as a result retreats to her husband Tom, despite her affection for Gatsby. It is his inability to accept defeat and his insatiable pursuit of wealth and class that ultimately leads to his demise. Subsequently, Fitzgerald suggests that Gatsby’s inevitable failure to win over Daisy, in turn represents his unattainable and materialistic pursuit of The American Dream. Myrtle Wilson also reinforces the idea that the American Dream is unattainable and corrupt. She is of low social standing, however she believes she married below her class and values herself as a high standing individual. Similar to that of Gatsby, she alters her persona in attempt to Mrs Wilson had changed her costume some time before, and was now attired in an elaborate afternoon dress of cream coloured chiffon, which gave out a continual rustle as she swept about the room. With the influence of the dress her personality had also undergone a change. The intense vitality that had been so remarkable in the garage was converted into impressive hauteur. (33) It can be seen that Myrtle puts on a faà §ade in front of others to make her seem that she is of high social standing and flashes aroundShow MoreRelatedThe American Dream In The Great Gatsby Analysis1497 Words   |  6 PagesFitzgerald’s novel, the Great Gatsby is one of the most meticulously written story of all time. This book incorporates different themes, yet the shadiness of the American Dream is the most significant one. The American Dream designates that one starting very low on their economic or social status and getting success and wealth trough their arduous work. Having a big house, a nice car and a happy family show the success of the American Dream. This dream is also shown by the concept of a self-madeRead MoreThe American Dream In The Great Gatsby Analysis749 Words   |  3 PagesThe Great Fantasy Idealism is the paramount theme in â€Å"The Great Gatsby.† Each of the characters have a craving for self-definition and a high position in society. The story is shaped by the ideals each of these characters hold. These ideals allude to the American Dream, along with the superficiality and corruption associated with it. Fitzgerald uses Jay Gatsby as a medium to portray hopeless romanticism, fantasy fueled ambition, and failure to achieve self-contentment. Gatsby is characterizedRead MoreThe American Dream In The Great Gatsby Analysis1744 Words   |  7 Pagesthe American Dream From a distance, the American dream is a hopeful one- that anyone, regardless of race, class, or gender, can become successful and wealthy if they possess ambition and the ability to work hard. However, when scrutinized, this rosy view clearly shows ignorance towards societal issues such as misogyny, racism, and income inequality and instead focuses on the notion of having an extravagant home, fancy cars, and a happy family- all of which symbolize the great American dream. FitzgeraldRead MoreAnalysis Of The American Dream In The Great Gatsby1142 Words   |  5 PagesThe American Dream is one of the most prevalent themes in The Great Gatsby. It is essentially the belief that, regardless of social class, anyone can become wealthy and famous. In the novel, Jay Gatsby attempts to reunify with Daisy Buchanan by achieving great wealth, but he fails and dies having been unsuccessful in his mission. Though it may appear to some that Gatsby, the main character of the novel, has achieved the American Dream, it turns out to be a massive illusion. When, following Gatsby’sRead MoreThe American Dream In The Great Gatsby Analysis906 Words   |  4 PagesTorres Mrs. Heffelman English 11 September 26, 2017 The American Dream can mean a lot of different things depending on who is asked. Some will answer that it is the freedom of religion or the ability to move between class. Others define it as the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative. For Jay Gatsby and many others, the American Dream is about gaining wealth and material possessions in the attemptRead MoreThe American Dream In The Great Gatsby Analysis1367 Words   |  6 Pagesidea of the American Dream, where qualities of hard work and ambition are shown. The novel The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald embodies many themes; however the most significant one relates to the corruption of the American dream. The American Dream is defined as someone starting low on the economic or social level, and working hard towards prosperity and or wealth and fame. By having money, a car, a big house, nice clothes and a happy family symbolize s the American dream. This dream also representsRead MoreThe American Dream In The Great Gatsby Analysis1428 Words   |  6 PagesThe Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald contains many themes; however, the most noteworthy one identifies the American dream. This Dream likewise speaks to that people, regardless of who he or she is, can emerge to rich in life through their own works. The dream is spoken to with the aid of the mind of an unbiased man or woman, who strives to perform an objective to become tremendously effective. The Great Gatsby is a novel that indicates what happened to the American Dream in the 1920s, which wasRead MoreThe Great Gatsby American Dream Analysis761 Words   |  4 Pagesobtained. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald suggest that the American Dream is an illusory, the people who pursue it are Gatsby, Daisy, Tom, and Myrtle, and this pursuit is ultimately unattainable. In the roaring twenties known as the Jazz Age, many people wanted to become rich, most people were bootleggers and Wall Street stock brokers. Alcohol was illegal and the Wall Street stocks were higher than ever before. The Great Gatsby is an extended critique of the American Dream. And this critiqueRead MoreThe American Dream In The Great Gatsby Analysis758 Words   |  4 PagesThe American dream is a idea that anyone can reach prosperity and success by determination and hard work. Everyone has equal opportunity to achieve this dream. This may not be the case in this tragic love story, The novel The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald. By corruption, unfaithfulness, and entitlement we see a different view of the American Dream. Through the characters and plot in the novel, The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald suggests the pessimistic view that the American Dream of social mobility is aRead MoreThe Great Gatsby And The American Dream Analysis1086 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"The American Dream is th at dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.† This quote by James Adams shows the concepts of a dream that is linked to hard work and opportunity. In Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby and Ridley Scott’s American Gangster, Gatsby and Frank portrays the theme of the destructive nature of dreams. The Great Gatsby follows the story of a charming yet mysterious man named Gatsby

Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Impacts Of Hazardous Waste On Nature Environmental Sciences Essay Free Essays

Industrialization has caused a huge sum of risky compounds to come in our ecosystem and finally have a negative consequence on ecological diverseness, H2O handiness and human nutrient concatenation. The past century has seen worlds populate and present a big figure of risky chemical substances into the natural environments. Waste merchandises from industries, agricultural procedures, structural stuffs, medicine/drugs, e-wastes and pesticides which all destructively consequence the environment. We will write a custom essay sample on The Impacts Of Hazardous Waste On Nature Environmental Sciences Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now The ambiance, biosphere and the hydrosphere, work in unison together to supply a habitable environment to the life being of the universe. Chemicals penetrate dirt, enter the air as emanations and the H2O as wastewater, finally poisoning aquatic beings and impacting the dirts ability to back up workss. Carbon dioxide which is the chief subscriber to the nursery consequence and clime alteration is besides caused by industrial emanations. Chlorofluorocarbons caused ozone depletion planet and over decennaries has caused an inflow of ultraviolent radiation into our planet. Pesticides and fertilisers from farms and gardens overflow into the H2O supply doing eutrophication, the physique up of algae in the river and lake systems doing decease to aquatic beings and doing it impossible to last. There are besides some unsafe chemicals which enter the dirt and groundwater doing familial defects in workss and beings doing it difficult to last and reproduce, therefore doing extinctions of certain workss and carnal species. A survey conducted in Southeast Ukraine found that 0.8 % of the Dnepropetrovsk Region remains portion of the one time 100 % natural ecosystem. This part is known for its huge supply of natural resources. Due to provide industries populated and began mining and fabrication, utilizing and huge sum of resources and bring forthing a big supply of waste, accordingly destructing the environing environment. Hazardous stuffs in ambiance, dirts, flora and H2O were badly contaminated and trials were conducted to find the badness of the issue. Gritsan, NP. , Babiy, AP. , 2000 found In Dnepropetrovsk Region, the release and composing of industrial emanations caused the hapless air quality. In respects to the dirt it was found countries non populated by industries where clean and pollution free, whereas the countries like Dnepropetrovsk and Dneprodzerzhinsk which had a high concentration of environmentally degrading industries consisted of chemicals such as Fe, Cu, Zn, lead and fluoride and where found in high concentrations. † It was determined that concentrations of fluorides in workss turning near big or specific industrial companies were up to 15 times higher than normal. † ( Gritsan, NP. , Babiy, AP. , 2000 ) Food is a necessity for endurance and get downing from hapless disposal or industrial waste we are faced with a job that produces a concatenation of events stoping up in the blood supply of developing fetuss and the blood and tissues of kids, grownups and wildlife species. Man-made risky compounds are come ining animate beings through exposure, inspiration or ingestion. These risky compounds produced by industrial procedures accumulate up the nutrient ironss, inappropriate disposal and leeching from waste and landfill sites and stop up in the natural environment and finally in the manufacturers and consumers. Worlds are the top of the nutrient concatenation and hence consume the overall accretion of risky compounds. A study conducted by Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek ( Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research: TNO ) in the Netherlands shows that many of the different types of risky compounds exist in human blood indicating that worlds are exposed to these chemicals. Exposure can be through additives to consumer merchandises or through nutrient merchandises. Since many of these chemicals have a lipophillic nature they bioaccumulate in the nutrient concatenation. The TNO group tested manmade chemicals and found that many of th e compounds where nowadays in nutrients at a concentration of 0.1 to 10 ng/g. The World Wildlife Fund ( WWF ) study Chain of Contamination the Food Link found besides that the most of import exposure path for many of semisynthetic chemicals was through a bioaccumulation. Chemicals being DDT ( DDT ) a man-made pesticide and Polychlorinated Biphenyls ( PCBs ) which are organochlorine found in early industrial merchandises. DDT and PCBs are passed through diet. WWF conducted trials on organochlorine, polychlorinated Biphenyls, brominated fire retardent, perfluorinated chemicals, phthalates, unreal musks, Alkylphenols isomers of nonylphenol and organotins and found all these risky compounds to be present in nutrient merchandises across seven different states. The trials provide an penetration into the earnestness of this planetary job. Food being one concern, H2O handiness is another major concern. Many workss and animate beings need freshwater to last and risky compounds are come ining waterways and polluting fresh water, doing it unsafe and unsuitable for ingestion. Slavek Vasak, Rianne Brunt and Jasper Griffioen in their study â€Å" Arsenic in Groundwater † research maps of groundwater taint based specifically on ; happening of no fresh H2O, high flouride, high arsenous anhydride, high nitrate and the pollution from assorted beginnings. In their research they found many states to hold contaminatd H2O but really diffucult to nail less developed countries around the universe with the same job. Many states rely on groundwater for thier H2O supply and do non hold the resources and fundss to develop ways to take the chemicals from the H2O and are forced to devour contaminated H2O. Hazardous compounds have been used since the beginning of industralisation and it is merely in the past decennary or two where the effects of these compounds have affected our natural ecosytems and manner of life and still their full affect on iving things may non yet be known. New chemicals and merchandises are being manufactured mundane all in which may do injury to the the environment. E-waste is a authoritative illustration of recent merchandises incorporating types of chemcals which are harmful to the environment. In 2005 an estimated 697,000 metric tons of electronic and electrical equipment was consumed while 313,000 metric tons was disposed. ( hypertext transfer protocol: //, 12/05/10 ) E-waste contains risky stuffs including quicksilver, lead, arsenic brominated fire retardents, Be and Cd. If non desposed right potentailly all the compounds present can leach into natural ecosystems and cause terrible nowadays and future jobs. Australia and the universe recognize they are faced with a planetary job in respects to risky wastes. They strive to restrict and forestall any amendss on the natural environment. In 1992 â€Å" The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal † ( hypertext transfer protocol: // 14/05./10 ) was implemented and in 2002 was sanctioned by 151 states including Australia. Australia signed the Basel Convention in 1992. The Convention is implemented in Australia by the Hazardous Waste ( Regulation of Exports and Imports ) Act 1989. ( http: //, 14/05/10 ) . It forced states to environmentally pull off risky wastes in a safe manner when importation and exporting. In implicating the minimisation of risky waste production, supplying disposal installations, cut downing the motion of risky waste, pull offing waste with respects to the environment and prevent and punish illegal traffic of waste. In visible radiation of the above there are options at a local graduated table where concerns and persons can forestall risky waste jobs in many ways ; risky compounds can be recycled, diminish the usage of risky stuffs in production, better labeling and record maintaining of stuffs, better storage and supply safer transit methods The environment is a complex system made up on interrelated ecosystems and any changes can do dramatic impacts on present and future environments. The impact of worlds is besides complex we live a complex life style and as we progress technologically and as a species we do it at the disbursal of the environment. The extinction of species along the concatenation may intend the loss of utile familial stuff or life salvaging malignant neoplastic disease drugs or safer options to the unsafe chemicals in usage at the minute. In order to battle this job we need to weigh out the hazard and benefits of a munificent life style and happen options to go on progressing without destructing the natural environment. How to cite The Impacts Of Hazardous Waste On Nature Environmental Sciences Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Business foundation Of Metro AG Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Business foundation Of Metro AG. Answer: Introduction Metro AG is a global retail company based in Germany and deals in wholesale and cash and carry business. The mentioned Company established in 1964 has its headquarters in Dusseldorf city of Germany. The following company is the fourth largest retailer of the world based on the amount of Revenue generated in a year. The company is a global pioneer in cash and carry business of the world. It is represented in 25 different countries with over 750 self service wholesale stores. The Company achieved revenue of around 29 billion pounds in the fiscal year 2015-16 which is no doubt a remarkable achievement for the business organization. It has its presence across 25 countries with strength of over 750 self service centers. It employs around1,40,000 employees worldwide and is one of the largest employers of the globe. The management of the company always involves itself in providing different customized solutions to its varied range of customers. The presence of the company in such vast regio ns of the globe has defined its role as a global MNC. Background of the Company The Metro Cash and carry outlet in India commenced operations in the year 2003 with the start no operations in Bangalore. Currently the company has around 24 wholesale centers across the country. The core group of customers of this famous wholesaler includes the small retailers, owners of medium and small shops, restaurants, hotels, corporate entities and many other different forms of business that operates in India. The Indian business of these retail giants includes a vast range of state of the art products that starts from vegetables, fruits, grocery, preservatives, bakery products, household items, fish, meat, confectionaries, electronics and many other different products that cater to different needs of the business and the service users. The Company has done a great job in promoting itself as a developer of the economy of India as it has employed a large number of local people in its value based stores and has been working successfully with agricultural farmers who provide them fresh fruits and vegetables in return of the proper market price. It is ranked 2nd amongst the list of the best places to work in India and has also received the CII National Award for quality and food safety. SWOT Table STRENGTH WEAKNESS Meeting the product requirements Proper and Efficient Network Quality staff in their ranks Largest Wholesaler of India The company does not spend money on advertisements through any kind of media Efficient and cost of operations is extremely low in India Tax Rates are high in India which makes it difficult to carry on efficient business Stores are located far off from the cities The Company only deals in wholesale business The imported items are charged with a high price Absence of transaction with common persons OPPURTUNITIES THREATS Large Expansion of business all around the globe Presence of 24 centers across India is a huge advantage All types of varieties under one roof As mentioned earlier absence of credit sales No discounts are available Presence of Wall-Marts in India Political conditions of India is a huge factor for the business Inflation Table No 1- SWOT Table Source-(Jahan and Hemant 2014) Market Description India is one of the largest economies of the world and has been a potent economic force of Asia as well as the rest of the world since the last decade. The rise in the economic condition of the market is a sign of the nations prosperity (Yadav and Raju 2013). As mentioned earlier the factors there are some key economic factors that have been helpful for Metro Cash and carry to establish its existence in the country, they are; Increase in the amount of consumer spending Increase in the Foreign Direct Investment Positive economic growth Proper and efficient infrastructure for logistics Establishment of other new industries On the other hand there are demand and supply factors as well which determine the market conditions of India. Some of the main factors that influence the demand and supply curve are; Income- Increase in the amount of disposable income of the people have made the consumers more confident as they are now able to afford more and more goods. Higher income can occur due to a variety of reasons like higher wages and lower taxes charged by the government. Substitutes- The increase in the price of the substitute products are helpful for the product of another organization with same characteristics. The increase in the price of the original product will lead to a fall in the sales figures and in turn will increase the sales of the rival product (Varshaa 2015). Advertising- Advertisement is one of the main factors that help to increase the brand loyalty of the goods and increase the demand of the products (Trebbin Franz and Hassler 2015). The higher spending on advertisements of the products is helpful to initiate a rise in the global sales of the organization. Complements- The price fall of a particular product will surely lead to the fall in the prices of the other peripheral products. Quality- In a place like India quality is the key to success in the market. Higher the quality of the product, higher is the demand for the product. Apart from the above mentioned factors the cultural context of India must be taken care of to make sure that the cultural heritage of India is not disrespected at any cost. Therefore all the above factors have a direct influence on the launch of a new product in the Indian market. Findings The classified findings have been a huge help for the organization. The research has been able to identify the different trends that are associated on the launch of a product by such a large scale wholesaler in the Indian market (Jahan and Hemant 2014). It is also amazing to find out that the management of the company used no form of electronic media to promote the product during or after its launch. Explanations of the SWOT Table Strengths The main aim of the management of the company is to meet the requirements of the new product so that it matches all the requisite criterion The presence of proper and efficient networks is an added advantage for the organization as such networks helps to promote the product easily The presence of efficient and trained staffs in the organization helps the organization to have a competitive edge in the market (Gilsenan et al. 2016) Metro is the largest wholesaler of India and thus launching a new product can be a great business initiative The organization is perhaps the one of its kind in the world as it does not spend a single amount in advertising in any forms of media which gives an idea of the powerful brand name and reputation Cost of operating a business is extremely low in India which is a great factor that helps the business to allocate a minimum investment Weaknesses Tax Rates in India is much more in comparison to other countries which makes life tough for foreign firms (Sinitcyna 2016) The distance of the stores is inconvenient for the users as the stores are generally located quite far away from the city. The distance is a main reason for the business to lose customers The Company does not deal in retail business and deals only in wholesale business. Thus common men are not able to buy products easily from the mentioned organization. The imported items of the company are charged heavily once they enter the Indian market which is one of the biggest negative factors in the business (Gopalakrishna Subramanian and Fleischmann 2016) Opportunities The expansion of the business all around the globe will help the organization to sell its new product in its other existing markets and increase the scope for the product Presence of 24 centers across India is a huge advantage for the organization as the product can be made readily available for the other consumers in other centers easily The availability of all kinds of products under one roof will help the customers identify the product easily while they explore the store (Shitole and Thyagarajan 2014) Threats Absence of credit sales does not help the organization as it loses out many potential customers Metro does not offer any discounts on its products which turns out to be a larger threat for the organization Presence of Wall-Mart in India has given Metro a stiff challenge in the coming days Political conditions of India is a huge factor for the business as because the businesses in India are often controlled by influential political parties Inflation in the last couple of years have slowed down the market growth of Metro and has presented a crisis situation in the market Recommendations According to Jahan and Hemant (2014) the absence of credit sales is certainly a negative factor that has an impact on the organization. However this is done mainly because of the bulk amount of products that are sold out to retailers (Schranz-Whitaker 2016). Metro generally deals with wholesale trading and thus credit sales are not supported by them. However things are changing gradually and the management of the company has introduced Smart Cards for the members of the stores with which they can easily transact with the help of the card. The company has also decided to offer discounts on its new products to make it seem friendlier towards the retailers and other small sellers. The management has also taken certain measures so that inflation does not have any such effect on it. Last but not the least the company is least worried about Wall mart as it has 24 integrated centers around India compared to some small units of Wall Mart (Oflazgil et al. 2016). Target Market The mentioned company aims to launch a new range of Travel kits and bags especially for the frequent travelers. The target market of the company is the frequent travelers including the leisure as well as the business travelers. However the management has decided to keep the price within a certain range as the product is kept in the middle class segment. The product is not too costly but its advanced features place it in a premium segment. The main aim of the Company is to create a world class travel kit to ensure that the travelers enjoy a hassle free travel. The management of the company has designed the product in such a way that it provides huge competition to other brands in the market. The product also has quite a number of varieties depending on its design. Some of them are designed normally while the others have a stylish design. New Product Description As mentioned in the earlier part the new range of travel kits has quite a number of varieties in it. The varieties are generally in the design as some of them are designed normally while the others have a stylish and attractive design. Existence of a large number of competitors has forced the organization to follow the cost effective policy which will be helpful for the organization to get a hold of the highly competitive market. The product has earned an ISO 9000 degree and is already regarded as one of the best in the markets prior to its launch. Customer Value proposition Customer Value Proposition is one of the marketing statements that describe the reason for a customer to buy a certain product or use a particular service (Kumar and Bansal 2015). The management of the mentioned Wholesaler has been able to set out a particular value proposition for the travel kits that includes; Best product with a low value Reduces the stress of travelling Targeted for the stylish and comfort loving travelers Justification of the choice of New Product The new product has quite a lot of attractive features that justifies its choice by the service users. The key justification of the product is its premium quality that is received in such low prices. The new products are used effectively and are meant for a safe, sound and a quality journey. The4 following reduces the stress of the journey and also reduces the travel time. Conclusion The following report is one of the few works on the wholesale marketing in a country like India. The detailed internal analysis of the problems that lies in the business along with the recommendations for solving the problems effectively has been extremely helpful for small wholesalers present in the country. The through analysis of the report thus helps to identify the weakness as well as the ways to avoid them. References Doan, P., 2016. RELATIONSHIP MARKETING-LOYALTY CARD. Gilsenan, M.B., Abbinante, F., O'Dea, E., Canals, A. and Tritscher, A., 2016. Open risk assessment: data.EFSA Journal,14(S1). Gopalakrishna, P., Subramanian, R. and Fleischmann, D., 2016. 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